I wonder how many other countries would have the installation of a new ATM machine as the major story on page 2 of their national newspaper. But then I guess we don't have too many riots and strikes or things like that to report in Brunei.
well ... it’s one of life’s ... mysteryIn these cases, mystery, cousin, senior, relative and site would all be plural nouns in standard English.
I’m not ... sure because one of my cousin is from my mother’s side and the other is from my father’s side ... of the family
my coach is actually one of our senior
and one of our relative pick us up from the KL airport
the Sharm El Sheikh is one of ... the tourist ... site where ... it’s a bit similar like Ha- er Hawaii
I think it’s because of the infrastructuresOne question: should teachers worry about these tokens? We might note that stuffs occurs in the Corpus of Contemporary American English 463 times. Some of these are as verbs ('he stuffs his hands in his pockets'), but many are not. For example:
I don’t know much about their mythologies and all that
I have to help erm welcoming the guests and erm … helping carry stuffs around
it’s just that I don’t like jewelries in general
I’m just stay at home ... and just ... erm spent time with my families
so I was interested in doing speech therapies
lots and lots of stuffs ... I bought shoes, shirts, jeans, skirts, and other stuffs
so I don't want to go and find a hotel and all that stuffsSo maybe the plural stuffs is becoming acceptable even in America.
overwhelming centralization of all our food stuffs
I just have -- have to do stuffs after school
Jangan biar rezeki menunggu.The idea seems to be that food is a blessing, and it is bad manners to show disrespect to it by texting while you are eating.
Don't make good-fortune wait.
We will shortly be collecting the headsets. Please place them in the PLASTIC bag.The standard pronunciation is plastic BAG rather than PLASTIC bag.