When someone is talking, we indicate that we are paying attention by means of what are called 'backchannels'. These can involve gestures, such as nodding or smiling; but in English, the most common verbal backchannels are yup/yeah or mmm.
A couple of days ago, I was listening to the Brunei radio, and the anchor person used saya ('I') as a backchannel to encourage his interviewee to continue. This rather surprised me, as I have never come across the use of a first person pronoun as a backchannel; but my UBD colleague, Noor Azam, confirmed that it is common in Malay.
I wonder if Malay is unique in this respect, in the use of the first person pronoun as a standard form of backchannel.
ChatGPT does ASMR in Chinese
8 hours ago